Tree shape is not consistent with the preview

Hi, @albert Rodríguez,
As shown in the images, the tree I create doesn’t have the same shape as I see in the preview of the editor. I might need some suggestions about this problem. I’ve checked every branch, to see if there is some unnecessary click on the checkboxes, but still don’t have any clue of it.

The Tree.3dm (4.9 MB)

I guess the image at the left is a capture of the Rhino viewport, right?
When you render it with the _Render command a more detailed plant will be generated, that will be much closer to the plant in the editor.

The plants shown in the viewport are low-poly versions of the plant in the editor. There are several detail levels (up to 4 depending on the .ArTree file) that you can choose. If you select the highest detail level you’ll get almost the same plant you see in the editor. However it is not a good idea to select this detail level because the Rhino performance will quickly slow down as you add more plant instances.

Anyway, if you want to play with it, the option is under the Species properties tab, when you click on the species name in the Edit Panel selection tree (when no object is selected in the viewport):

To control the quality of the plants during the _Render command go to the Document properties tab:


Thank you very much,
It works really well in high detail mode,
though it’s still a bit fishy if it can’t remain the same shape in the low detail option,
as if some parameters are lost that causes those two groups of leaves to appear.