Transparent objects in shaded view mode?

Is there a way to do this WITHOUT using “SetObjectDisplayMode” on the transparent objects?

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Do you mean like the Ghosted display mode?
I think the default transparency for Ghosted is 35%.
All of those settings are adjustable in Options > View > Display modes > [display mode name]…

What problem are you trying to solve?

The only way to have objects that have different display mode characteristics in the same view is to use SetObjectDisplayMode. Another possibility is that you run in Rendered display mode all the time and play with the material settings for the different objects.

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I’m trying to get transparent glass in the standard “shaded” view mode.

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Not possible in my opinion…but this wish is interresting

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Shaded has no such general provision I know of
SetObjectDisplayMode is the only method I can think of.
I suppose you could just turn off the layer your glass is on. then it would be 100% transparent.

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OK, I understand that the Display mode is set for the whole scene, so there is no “by-pass”.

Hello - that is what SetObjectDisplayMode is for… I don’t really understand the initial question from the OP I guess.


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The frustration is that the “normal/default/every day use” view mode in Rhino doesn’t support glass.

(And unless I’m incorrect, a secondary frustration is that you can’t easily create a custom view mode that does support glass either, unless it’s rendered which is too slow to work in.)

before you frustrate yourself further and everybody trying to help, why is that so important, what are you trying to gain by having exactly glass and not a little tweaked ghosted display mode on an objekt which will not slow down your power and will simulate glass ok for shaded? switching display modes with shortcuts makes it fast and easy. also not a problem using glass material and just having it set to ghosted for the time being while you work on it.

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The reason is, of course, that when I switch to a different display mode, the glass objects dont’ respect that display mode.

how many glass objects do you have? i use a few shortcuts for setobjectdisplaymode, for example alt s - shaded - alt w - wire and alt q for canceling all. that is a matter of a half a second. also setting it back quickly to ghosted for an object or many is really not a problem. the question is then only why would you need it to maintain tranparency, only for modelling matter i assume… i really dont see this an issue.

something which might be admittedly handy would be the possibility to set an entire layer to a specific display mode, this was also requested already here RH 3346

Have you seen this setting:

In that case you can have your rendered materials remember transparency in Shaded mode…unless I am not following exactly what you are after.



that looks oddly a bit different on mac since this check is missing for whoever cares, but seems to work right out of the box when i set it to custom. thanks @Jarek for hinting out directions. thats actually really cool, now i dont have to screw around with disabling setobject… :slight_smile:

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Yes, fantastic! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Wow, that is a great little trick!

I have an update here:
HSV-Colors may have transparency as well.
I go this from Rhino.Inside.Revit, where planes are converted to surfaces with transparency.
Very very neat.
