The black in this Picture/Material has been set to be invisible/transparent. In a non-raytraced view mode this works, but not when raytraced. Can it be accomplished in raytraced? (It’s translucent in raytraced because it’s following the translucency of the overall setting for the material/picture):
Can you select one of the flame planes and export it as a new file, then share that here, please?
Also, is this Rhino 6, Rhino 7 or Rhino 8?
Thanks Nathan
Rhino 7.
FlameImage.3dm (72.1 KB)
Could you please attach the image used in the material as well? Thanks.
Thanks, I am not seeing the dark as you showed.
What do you currently have selected as rendering device for Cycles?
Any thoughts, Nathan? thanks
I have tested this now on RTX A6000, RTX 6000 Ada gen, AMD GPU (OpenCL), CPU and Apple Sillicon CPU, I’ve added objects, lights and tried combinations I figured might be in play, but I have not been able to reproduce the issue shown.
Does the flame in the file you posted earlier have the dark part in the alpha section as well on your machine?
It would be necessary to look at the actual file instead of that file, since I can’t see anything amiss. If you want to keep the file confident you can share it with me using our upload service Rhino - Upload to Support
That seems a good question, Nathan, because my system raytraces with the alpha when it’s the only element in a file. I’ll upload the project file. (I sent you a link instead - I think it’s too big for the portal.)
I have done a test without Visual Arq enabled on this large project, and the transparency renders properly. I am going to post there.
thanks anyway Nathan.