Translating batch script into powershell

I have the following batch script:

"C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\System\rhino.exe" /nosplash /runscript="-grasshopper editor load document open C:\BPP_pipeline\snowflake_definition\" "C:\BPP_pipeline\snowflake_definition\blank_mm.3dm" >> log.txt

I need to translate this into powershell. I am having trouble with the runscript part. I am having trouble finding documentation as well. This is what I have so far:

& "C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\System\rhino.exe" --% -nosplash -runscript="-grasshopper editor load document open C:\BPP_pipeline\snowflake_definition\" "C:\BPP_pipeline\snowflake_definition\blank_mm.3dm" 

Hi @stevescott517,

Rather than running a bunch of commands at once, via the command prompt, I tend to have startup scripts that run a Python script. For example:

"C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\System\Rhino.exe" /nosplash /runscript="_-RunPythonScript (C:\Users\Dale\Downloads\"

The Python script, which just runs Rhino commands, could look like this:

import Rhino
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript('_-Open "C:\Users\Dale\Downloads\Test.3dm"', True)
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript('_-Grasshopper _Document _Open "C:\Users\Dale\Downloads\" _Enter', True)


– Dale

@stevescott517 to do a useful /runscript through powershell you need to use Start-Process, use the -ArgumentList option and escape the double-quotes with backticks.

This works:

Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\System\Rhino.exe' -ArgumentList "/nosplash","/runscript=`"Grasshopper`""

See Start-Process documentation for reference.

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