Transform - Scale 1-D requesting a second point after a scale factor is used

I believe this is a strange behavior. On scaling a simple surface using Transform → Scale 1-D, a second reference point is requested by the dialog when I had in the previous dialog entered a scale factor. There is no need for a second reference point in this case.

Steps I took,

  1. created a rectangular surface.
  2. selected Transform → Scale 1D.
  3. selected the rectangular surface and pressed enter.
  4. selected the bottom left hand corner as the origin in the front-view viewport and pressed enter.
  5. the next dialog asks for a first reference point or a scale factor - I entered a scale factor a little less than one and pressed enter. The surface appears to scale correctly.
  6. however, the dialog to enter a second reference point appears when it should not (or so I believe). I have only been able to get this box to go away by clicking a point and if I don’t get exactly the new right corner of the rectangular surface, it scales it again and ignores my scale factor.

I am using OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) and Rhino Wenatchee 2013-08-23 (476).

Hi cpk- the second point is needed to set a scale direction. If your scale axis is in X or Y, then hold Shift (Ortho) and click anywhere along that axis to give Rhino a direction. If you click off that axis, what should happen is that the scale factor is respected but the scaling will be skewed… does that make sense with what you are seeing?


Hello Pascal,

Thank you for your reply.

Indeed that is what is happening. And now that you point out that the second point is for the direction it makes sense why it is there. Perhaps the dialog could be adjusted to indicate that the second point is to indicate the direction? In this case it only says to enter the second reference point and I was not cluing in on the fact that it can’t read my mind and know which one dimension I wanted to scale it. :blush:

A different prompt seems reasonable there, I’ll see if we can get that tuned up.
(these bug track items are not visible to the public, yet.)

