I currently have a script that Reorganizes point order and culls the pattern of the points to create a ‘zig-zag’ pattern:
the pattern can vary with this panel component:
however, I want to replicate this in Python to have minimal components and simple inputs.
a simpler method is to create a cluster with the components you want to simplify
to create the cluster, select the components you want to “group”, right-click, cluster
This sounds familiar? Ah yes, from late February: (is it different now?)
python script for pattern.gh (29.5 KB)
Hi, the script already looks really simple so I am not sure what you want to achieve with the python, and the simple inputs you would like for the python.
All the same here is a python script that does that. It may be buggy, because it is not tested.
Yes! That’s the same one.
how can I make this panel into a value list component where I can easily sequence through different patterns?
You could do this? The cyan group should really be replaced by parametric circles and points…
ShiftList_2024Apr5a.gh (18.5 KB)
P.S. Same thing, still needs parametric circles and points.
ShiftList_2024Apr5b.gh (18.2 KB)