라이노 평가판 라이센스 문제

대학교 과제 하려고 평가판을 다운받아서 이메일로 코드를 받았습니다. 하지만 계속 유효하지 않는 코드라고 계속 뜨고 어떤 때에는 평가기간이 내년까지라는데 이미 지났다고 뜹니다. 어떻게 해야 라이노 평가판을 쓸수 있는지 알려주세요. 감사합니다!

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여기는 한국어 포럼 아니지만 제가 아는 만큼 말씀 드리자면,

제가 알기로 새로운 업데이트 되면서 기존에 같은 이메일이나 컴퓨터에서 평가판을 사용한 적이 있다면 (예전 버전 5,6 등) 다시 쓸 수 없게 됐답니다.

Hashtag를 license로 필터링하면 trail license관련 똑같은 문의가 많으니 참조하시길 바랍니다.

@John_Brock This topic also referring to trial license.

안녕하세요. 이전에 같은 계정으로 평가판을 사용했으면 라이선스가 자동으로 사용할 수 없도록 처리됩니다. 라이선스를 구입하여 사용하시기 바랍니다.

Hi -
Let me clarify a bit…

That doesn’t matter. A user can have had a Rhino 5 or Rhino 6 evaluation and still get and run a Rhino 7 evaluation.

As for …


It’s not the “same eMail”, “same computer”, or “same account” that matters - it’s the same natural person. A single person can only have one single trial period.

@user1218 , you started your evaluation period on July 28th and that 90-days period ended on October 26th. You need to purchase a license to be able to continue to use Rhino. Please visit the “buy” page on rhino3d.com.

Thanks for the clarification @wim

Technically yes,
and I understand the whole point of 1 individual has 1 single period of evaluation chance.

But, the hardest question is, how could you possibly identify the user behind computer A is same or different than another user B in different IP, PC, Serial# etc.

One more question for more clarification though, Is WIP versions considered as one-person-one-time thing or one-license-one-time thing?
or WIP are totally different than Evaluation versions?

the less info is out there on how they check this, the harder it is to get around the security. I don’t think anyone will or should share that info on this forum.
the real hardest question is why would people think they have the right for several trials. and why people even ask on this forum how to get around buying a quite cheap, yet extremely powerful application they considered as helpful for themselves.

WIP is for people that have bought the licence and want to share their oppinion and preferences as well as potential bugs with the developpers to support them and make rhino even better. which is the contrairy of what all those re-re-re-evaluators do.


Yes, thats indeed very hard question.
I think people who wants to have multiple trail chances are either free-riders, or people don’t want to buy themselves but their school want them to use it during their study years. There is nothing to say about the first part of group, but for the second part, some conflict or mixed opinion might occur. Couple of days ago, I read on this forum that their school/instructor insisted trail version for their project and since their schools doesn’t provide Rhino license the students need to handle themselves. Some might argue they could use free CAD software or the school cannot push students to learn the program which they don’t offer. I cannot think a right solution to this, however, benchmarking some other services like youtube or some learning webs and rollout new license plan might help? i.e youtube premium is around $10 in where I live but its around $1.57 in Argentina and $18.59 in Denmark (reference google). I am not saying that we should pay monthly subscription, rather, my point is McNeel could consider different pricing option in the future.

That clarifies my second question, thank you.

Well, closing this back door is the best way to convince the schools/teachers that they shouldn’t be requiring students to use programs that they can’t pay for. Once that percolates back up to the people/institutions who are responsible, they will be forced to do something else. The unfortunate part about this is that the students end up being the ones that initially have to take the hardship, but there is not much that can be done about that.

Selling Youtube (content provider) subscriptions is not at all the same as selling software licenses. As has been stated in many previous discussions on this topic, Rhino development is being done by a small number of people mostly located in countries where the standard of living is high, and the revenue from selling licenses is the only source of income to pay those developers and support personnel.

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