Tooltips hidden (Again)

Dear McNeel,
new update old issue with Tootips. I have to go back opening the browser with Rhino Help link to get the tooltips on Rhino interface. Issue seemed to be solved, now it’s here again, Please, solve it once and forever. Thank you.

Best regards,

System Info.txt (2.2 KB)

@Bartleboom this issue isn’t resolved yet.
RH-81647 Tooltips don’t show up after starting Rhino

Hi and thanks a lot for the answer @Gijs.

It seemed solved to me in the previous version. The Tooltips showed themselves ‘almost’ everytime I opened Rhino, now I have to open the Browser every time I run the program.

Maybe it is that ‘almost’ that it is not be solved :-).

Thank you.

Hi @Bartleboom
There are two things that currently work for me if tooltips didn’t show up right away after restart.

  • Place focus on Rhino by clicking the title bar.
  • Alt Tab to a different app and back to Rhino

Are these not working for you?

Hello @Gijs,
Not the focus, yes Alt Tab to a different app.

Following your suggestions I discovered just now that tooltips appear after iconizing Rhino and reopening the window.

Thank you very much

Here again @Gijs,sorry.

Just a note about Focus on Rhino:

  1. If I close the Intro window while Rhino interface is loading, clicking Rhino Bar to get the Focus doesn’t give me back tooltips

  2. If I close the Intro window after Rhino interface loaded, clicking Rhino interface to get the Focus gives me tooltips. Like you suggested this is the fastest way to get the Tooltips at the moment, for me it runs after a complete Rhino interface loading

Thank you very much

thanks, good to hear these workarounds make it a little less painful for now.