Toolbar got completely scrabbled

Hi @stevebaer and @Gijs,

unfortunately the gremlins are still there in (8.14.24337.13001, 2024-12-02). Yesterday i closed RH8 and my custom toolbar had 4 buttons, each of the buttons was having an svg for light and dark. This toolbar is the only toolbar in my custom rui file. Before i closed Rhino i’ve saved the toolbar from:

Options > ToolBars > File > Save

Today i’ve opened R8 and the toolbar looks like this:


it looks like button 1 shows the content of the missing buttons 2 and 3. Button 4 is correct and the last 3 i’ve never added on my own.

If i go to this path:


i can see there is a xml file named similar as my custom rui file, eg.:


once i close RH8, remove or rename this file, and reopen RH8, my toolbar is repaired. What is happening here under the hood ? Does RH8 save my custom toolbar changes automatically (in the rui) or do i have to save my rui on my own ?


You might want to try the 8.15 release candidate. I did some work in this area that I’m really hoping fixes what you are seeing.

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Hi @stevebaer, ok i’ve just added one button to my toolbar, closed Rhino without saving the custom rui file and upgraded to (8.15.24345.18001, 2024-12-10).

After opening RH8, i can see that a new Potatoe_…xml file has been created. The toolbar looks ok still. I’ll keep an eye on it as i need to make more buttons tonight.


Hi @stevebaer,

unfortunately some issues are still present in (8.15.24352.13001, 2024-12-17).

Screenshot 2024-12-25 012253

I’ve created a new toolbar, added 8 buttons. The first 7 buttons are having only a macro for the left button. The last button has a macro for left and right. I’ve saved my workspace from:

Rhino Options > Toolbars > File > Save…

Then closed Rhino. Once re-opened, i see that it now has 16 buttons, the first 8 are empty and the ones i’ve created are the last 8. Closed Rhino and renamed the xml file which starts with my workspace name here:


Next i opened Rhino and my toolbar is repaired. It seems, the xml file which stores unsaved changes is the culprit. Why is this file created when i save on my own and why is it not deleted by default ?


@clement unfortunately we haven’t found a way yet to repeat this. Despite many reports and even videos of the thing happening.
As you mentioned deleting the xml is so far always solving the issue for the user.
At my end this xml always gets deleted correctly when the RUi is saved.

Thanks @Gijs for your reply. It is good information that the xml file can be / should be deleted. I would like to find out when it is created too. Could you please try to repeat this sequence:

  1. Add a new toolbar to a custom workspace (not the default workspace)
  2. Create two new buttons with LMB command macros and icons
  3. Save custom workspace from Options > Toolbars > File > Save
  4. Now add a new Seperator to your Toolbar
  5. Close and reopen Rhino

Does your toolbar still look right ?

In my case, it has 2 empty buttons, then the seperator and then my two buttons. The xml file is still there. (obviously because it contains the unsaved change where i added the Seperator).

I’ll try to write a script now which saves my custom workspace and then tries to delete the xml if it exists. Maybe that file is locked and delete fails ? Is this checked somewhere if the deletion succeeded ?

Edit: I can save the rui and delete the xml file via code without problems, the xml seems not locked.


@clement thanks, I can repeat that behavior here:
RH-85358 Toolbar adds empty icons when separator is added.


@clement Steve initially has pushed a fix for this into 9.x It would be great if you can give that a spin before porting it back to 8.x
From my initial tests, the above seems to work correctly, see YT.

Hi @Gijs, i’m currently not able to install RH9 to test since i’m in a running project, sorry.
