For example, here is the Select surfaces sub-toolbar, I simply activated both name and image instead of just image:
So aside from the overly long names, what do we have here?
The first six are the same as the tooltip description.
SelPicture is the name of the actual command when the tooltip reads “Select pictures”
Selvisible is the same, the tooltip is “Select visible objects”
And, finally, SelPlanarCrv is not set to inherit appearance from tab, it’s set to image only. When I reset it to be like the rest, it also has the command name SelPlanarSrf as the button name and the tooltip is of course Select planar surfaces.
This is just one place, there are lots of other similar toolbars. Someone needs go through and do a giant cleanup.
Since I didn’t get a response to this after 3 weeks, I’ll pile on…
Some of this stuff is really dumb, it’s as if there was no standard set for tool naming and everyone did it their own way. There are glaring inconsistencies even within a single small toolbar.
The main problem is that the NAME - what you see if you have either text or image+text set on a button - is also linked to the button’s macro. So messing around with those might produce, ahem, “unexpected” results currently. Note the naming problem is not unique to V8, this has existed since time immemorial - probably V3 or earlier. Therefore much of this stuff appears to be cast in stone, the stone set in reinforced concrete, and the concrete anchored by pilings that go down to the earth’s core…
The people who never show text on their buttons will never notice. But it is absolutely painful if you want to set up flyouts with text or text+image - for as to be readable, the flyout needs to be as wide as the longest name in the toolbar. Another example:
Three of them take the command name as the button name.
Two of them take the tooltip as the button name.
Unlock selected objects
could have been named UnlockSelected
or Unlock selected
Swap locked and unlocked objects
could have been named LockSwap
or Lock swap
Right now, in order to avoid making massive tears in the spacetime continuum of the macro library, I am making new buttons from scratch for these instead of trying to edit the originals.
BTW - this short/long problem also causes problems with the flyout currently - probably because the two short-named buttons are on one line when the toolbar is wide enough for the longest name, and Rhino doesn’t know how to deal with that when it’s a flyout.
Independent undocked: