it’s been too long since I used Rhino and now can’t find anything… where to I find the tool that:
draws a circle with radius R tangent to two co-planer intersecting lines? (I can find three lines…)
draws a line tangent to two co-planer circles?
yes; had forgotten different tools are available depending on the tool set selected! a couple more questions should have me up and running again:
where to I change the precision of linear dimensions?
ditto angular dimensions?
is a way to join line and arc objects to get the total length of the group?
THANKS again!
Not sure if you are looking for a dimension or just the lengt in the prompt here? If you are looking for a dimension, I think you need to have curves that are joined (lines and arcs need to be end-to-end) and use DimCurveLength. If you are just looking for the total length of a selection of curves, you can select them (and if you need them repeatedly, you can use either group or selection sets) and then use the Length command - the total length will be displayed in the propmpt.
HTH, Jakob
how do I extrude a circle along a curve such that a round tubular surface results? I can only find “extrude along a curve” and not what was called “extrude normal along a curve” in a previous CAD package. thanks
Wim, thanks for jumping in! I must be getting thick; the help page for “Pipe” doesn’t make any sense to me…! does the position of the current working plane with relation to either the curve (in this case a circle) to be extruded or the curve that will become the center line of the desired surface have anything to do with the operation of “Pipe” ?? I have a circle normal to the plane plane that contains the curve (arc) that will become the center line of the surface, how to I convince “Pipe” to create the surface??
most of the engineering is done, how do I duplicate layers in the same file? and how do I import layers from a different file(s)?? I’d like to stack “before” and “after” solutions to see how they compare and if the progress is real or just wishful thinking… thanks!!
thanks! clearly need to work on my “verb” selection skills so HELP is more effective; too many “copy & paste” and “cut & paste” skeletons in my closet…