Hello all,
I would consider it very usefull to be able to create NURBS from SDS with edges containing crease values other than 0 or 1. As .fbx-files support OpenSubDiv and contain these crease values I am searching for a way to convert such SDS to appropriate NURBS surfaces.
I use Rhino´s “tonurbs” command frequently. I am still on Rhino 6, edge creased are not supported here. I know Rhino 7 does and wonder if it supports values between 0 and 1 but from other discussions in the forum i guess it doesn´t.
Am I missing something here? If not: any chances this will be implemented?
I did some basic research and found hints that Alias can do this. Possibly also Catia. Fusion 360 (T-splines) also only seems to support crease values 0 and 1. There seems to be some effort in Moi3d. nPower (Standalone App and SubD - Nurbs Plugins) does not spread out much about this topic.
If someone can contribute and wants to share, any facts would be highly appreciated.
I am hoping for a good discussion and also some insight here. But I would like to keep the discussion focussed on the questions above and avoid a basic argumentation NURBS vs SDS or camparison of workflows.
I model NURBS since Rhino 1 and use SubDs since the early 2000s. So i´m quite familiar with the pros and cons of the two approaches. I am also aware of the edge chamfering workaround which does not work in all cases for me (especially with small crease values).
thanks in advance