Rid out of a surface seam.
I have an open surface made with Loft operation and that surface (as any closed self surface) has a seam where the start and end edges meet each other. When I try to split that surface along curves using the “Surface Split” component as result get a lot of distinct surfaces divided along that seam. Okay, I can apply the “Join Brep” component which joins surfaces in fact into a poly surface, but there is a problem when I am trying to use that poly surface in the “Offest Surface” component, often it doesn’t work with Brep at all (just with a mono surface).
There is some solution, for instance, to rotate the surface so as the seam goes out of that being trimmed area, but if it’s impossible when there is a huge amount of trimming curves and anyone will have the seam
My question is there some solution to get rid out of that horrible seam?
unnamed.gh (27.4 KB)