TOP.3dm (3.7 MB)
I have trying to print this but it took 20 hours to do it I was wondering if there a way to shorten that process to half or a quarter. Without editing the size, I want to cut it in half if possible.
TOP.3dm (3.7 MB)
I have trying to print this but it took 20 hours to do it I was wondering if there a way to shorten that process to half or a quarter. Without editing the size, I want to cut it in half if possible.
Less infill, bigger layer height, bigger nozzle?
Less infill
Are you printing that in different parts or as one part?
Resin, fdm?
I have trying to print it in different parts but it’s not work
probably in the slicer software you can optimise this to be more efficient, less fill, increase speed, etc. Maybe try to print the narrow wall walkway as a separate object
This model is huge, roughly 8ft x 8ft x 2ft based on the units in your file
Is this size correct?
If not what size are you printing it?
Are you using an FDM printer?
What is build volume of the printer?
If possible, I’d avoid using a 3d printer for this, it’s not really a great case for it.
It’d be much better to take layers of MDF or another wood and cut them to the shapes you need. If you have access to a Laser cutter, that would be excellent for this site, and then you could 3d print just the building and slot that in which would also give a nice contrast for your model.
Thats definitely the best way to do this if the size in the model is actual.