Thermobimetal kinetic facade (bend & deform)

Hi everyone, I’m new to Grasshopper. I’m working on a kinetic facade which uses thermobimetal that bends when respond to temperature fluctuations. However, I only know how to make the “petals” rotate around an axis instead of bend & deform following an arc along the midpoint of the “petal”. Can anyone help me with this? I have attached the grasshopper file and an image on the desired outcome of the kinetic facade. Thank you.

TBM Script_Square (39.4 KB)

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Hi, @Sean_Ng–and welcome to the Rhino Forums! I’m interested in this idea and took a look at your file. When I have more time, I’ll test out what I asked ChatGPT, but you and others are welcome to read what it provided as a possible path to a solution. ChatGPT - Curl Surface with Slider

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i just tried some thing similar to it

bent & deform (15.6 KB)

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here is more upgraded version it might help you in some way
bent & deform (21.7 KB)


Wow. Thanks Rajeev for the quick response, really appreciated it!