The three problems of Grasshopper

If anyone can help me with any one of these three problems, I would most appreciate it.

That’s not Mars! That’s Earth, I’d recognise it anywhere.

  1. Yep, no names are replaced by auto-generated labels. If you assign an actual custom name it will persist. If you really want unlabelled inputs, you’ll have to use a Space.
  2. I don’t understand what “letters” refers to. If you mean that it’s difficult to interpret text and especially symbols when they are at 90 degrees, then I agree. You cannot modify the initial state of a component, but you can create an instance of that component, assign it some values and save it as a user-object.
  3. Names are plain-text, not rich-text, so you are not allowed to add formatting to names. There are however plenty of special characters in the unicode spec if you want to add some spice.
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At the risk of not being on-topic:
I often try to add units in square brackets to names - like this:

But when hitting Alt Gr to combine with 8 to get [, I’m thrown out of the name editor. Can that be fixed in GH2? I see that Alt Gr lets you interrogate components to check where they reside in the toolbar - but Ctrl + Alt does the same thing.

… or is that Win OS that is doing that? I see that e.g. in Notepad, using Ctrl + Alt + 8 gives [. Not so in MS Word™ though.

Alt has a strong correlation with menus in windows. It will tend to switch focus over to the main menu, which is problematic when a context menu is on screen as that will close itself automatically when it loses focus.

I’m not sure to what degree we have more control over this in Eto, but I have been generally unhappy with the finickiness of textboxes inside menus.

Yes. But what about AltGr? That doesn’t trigger focus on menus in regular Win OS.

US English keyboards don’t have an AltGr… the [ and ] are to the right of P

I guess, then, that on a US English keyboard, the AltGr (nonexisting) key doesn’t cancel typing a [.

Perhaps the problem can be solved for other keyboards anyway?

What will solve the problem is voice-recognition. Unfortunately last I checked that’s actually not that easy to implement in winforms apps. The MS apis for voice seem to change with every version of Windows.

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I agree.
I have a french keyboard and [alt gr] is vital.
Particularly in Grasshopper, it is a turnoff.
Everywhere [ ],{ } are necessary, context menu kicks me out. (to set path, to set the new series object [N+1][N+2],…)
I must copy the character elsewhere, come back and paste it.



FWIW, AltGr = right Alt

Inserts inappropriate N.Willmore pun

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