The most common point in the set


I’m having trouble coming up with an algorithm idea. I would like each point from a set to draw a circle that contains a part of the set of these points. Then, I would like to select those points that are the most common from the whole set. Do you have any ideas?

How about : draw a bunch of circles (or really, compute the distances), find all points belonging to each circle, count the number of times each point appears, and keep points that achieve the max ?

I’m not sure I’ve understood the problem correctly though. (10.3 KB)

Your proposal is almost good. I don’t know if I analyzed it well, but I see one flaw. The main idea is to choose the point that is most optimal in terms of distance to other points. I can see that the number of occurrences appears in part of the path, so this is a good direction, but then everything equates to confirming that the condition is met or not. I’m not proficient in the program, so could you help me list the points that occur most frequently?

Here are the points ordered by decreasing amont of circles they’re in.

Shouldn’t the rule be : for each point, compute the sum of the distances to all other points and take the min ? (11.9 KB)

This one is great. The latter solution is much better, but what changes do I need to make if I want the selected points to occur more than once? So that they form a grid of the most optimal grid of access points?