I made a solid to which I applied a shaped texture on the top face, mind you, it is not a pattern. When I use the “Flow” command to distort the solid based on a curve, the texture gets destroyed and I no longer see it as it appears on the object before it was distorted. How do I solve this problem? If I unwrap on the distorted object again, I get a UV Map that doesn’t match the texture vector pattern so I can no longer fit it. Everyone is telling me to change software because Rhino for textures is bad but I believe something can be done. My work is purely industrial and technical so I would not want to change programs. Is there a solution to this problem? Thank you.
Hi @Antonio12 ,
Can you post a small sample file showing the object pre Flow and the curve you want to flow it on?
Hi Brian, thank you for your replay. Please see attached files.
If you want I can see you the original 3dm file…
@Antonio12 Please use the Export command with only one object selected and the geometry to flow to selected. This will save just that selection as it’s own 3dm file so I can look at your issue. Post that 3dm file here after.
Hi @Antonio12 ,
Here are the steps to get the texture mapping to survive the deformation. ConvertExtrusion, give the polysrf a custom render mesh, ExtractRenderMesh, SetMeshSurfaceParameters, change mapping method to Surface.
This information is really useful to know! It would be even better to watch the same tutorial on the Rhinoceros YouTube channel, to avoid letting the concept fade away among the various topics.
Very Thank Brian,
in this way I can save my textures but some little problems are still visibles inside them… Is this a bug of Rhinoceros? Is there an update that it take me the possibility to deform items in nurbs mode without lose my textures? If not, is it possible to inform the Rhino team to fix this problem? The work of my team is totally based on this feature and with your method I have a very good solution but is not perfect! I have the proof that in blender there are no problem with this feature and without a perfect solution, we are forced to uninstall the trial version of Rhino and use Blender. We are now evaluating which software to choose to buy but I have to find a solution in 2 weeks at most. Thank you.
I’d have to know what the little problems are to say if it’s a bug.
There’s an additional technique you could use after the previous one which I’ll show below. The last bit about Rendered mode texture baking resolution may address your continued problems with the textures, not sure.
We have this https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-61618 on file and I’ve bumped it with the devs. Thanks.