I can generate the following array using the above file, but when I bake the last “join” tab, and export the corresponding stl file, and import the stl file into 3d printing software, it couldn’t slice and indicate that there are too many empty space.
I used bambo studio, and your file didn’t work, BUT when I change to Cura, it works.
Any chance you can help me figure out how can I make it work in bambo studio?
I don’t have the GH add-ons used in the GH file, bit I do have PrusaSlicer and that loads and slices Dan’/s STL file just fine. I also have FLSunSlicer which is based on OrcaSlicer which in turn is based on BambuSlicer. FLSunSlicer also loads and slices the STL file OK.
So I’d suggest using a different slicer. They all have their quirks and are sensitive to different things. If your STL file seems to be ok - which is the case here - just try a different slicer.
Making a proper watertight mesh (closed, non-manifold, with properly oriented normals…) could be challenging. Solid union can work, but booleans can cause a lot of headaches.
If you just have to print it, remesh the messy model using shrinkwrap (you can do it in grasshopper under mesh>triangulation). Pick an edge length in the order of magnitude of your printer resolution and you will be good to go (at the price of heavy models, but whatever)
it looks nice, I am still using plug-in, since it sometimes provide more conveninence.
I just learned this software for 3 4 days, so I got a lot of simple problems.
This DivSrf cluster ignores the surface UV domain (which can be weird) to get an “even” domain grid for SubSrf(Isotrim) and DeDom2. More convenient than a plugin for me, but the simple surface you are using (PlaneSrf), doesn’t need either one since Divide Domain² works fine. Lattice-2d_2024Aug8c.gh (20.1 KB)
Not sure you need morph either, as it distorts the extrusion to fit the SubSrf fragments. These parts are actual size, not morphed.