Texture mapping doesn't work

Texture mapping doesn’t seem to work. It doesn’t matter if I apply box mapping or surface mapping - both look the same in the viewport. Known issue?


yep doesn’t change anything here


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Hmmm - this is working here in the latest.



We can’t repeat it.

Is this happening to you on a laptop? Could you bring it over?

  • Andy

Sure… I’m just too busy right now - and having too much fun with ‘raytraced’ :+1: - and I haven’t tried it on my laptop. ‘Raytraced’ in the WIP is slow enough on my iMac Pro :grinning: I have to test it on my laptop. I might be able to bring it over tomorrow some time later in the afternoon. Would that be ok?



Didn’t see this! Just give me a call - you have my number, right?

If not, I’ll DM it to you.

  • Andy

No worries. I’ve been busy anyway. I’ll give you a call later.



