Texture mapping doesn't mach between rendered and raytraced

Recentry I have stumbled opn an issue with the rendering engine: I have created a physically based material for stone using a picture as the main texture. in the rendered viewport (first picture) it looks fine, but in both the raytraced viewport and the raytraced rended (second picture) the texture looks stretched.

How may I fix that?

here’s a file of the concerned element:
for_forum.3dm (2.0 MB)

thank you in advance

This appears to be due to block instancing. If you explode the block instance with _ExplodeBlock you’ll see that the material renders correctly.

I have logged a bug: RH-83646 WCS/OCS box style incorrect in block instance

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I’m not sure what is going on, but if you recreate the block (explode, then block) Raytraced renders this correctly. At least this happens with internal 8.13 build. There are no changes I can make in RhinoCycles for Raytraced and Rhino Render.