Text variables in layouts

Definitely. And I have been meaning to get back to this thread:

First off: things like material, sheet thickness, surface finish, … can be easily set to an object using the new GUI for GetDocumentUserText & GetUserText for inclusion in text strings:

A text field for detail scale is on the wish list (RH-31361 and RH-12602).

I am a bit concerned with putting these things into a block. Blocks in Rhino are strictly for identical things. If you want one text string to point at one object and another text string at another object, these are no longer identical objects. Also, since the size (in bytes) of a “Title Block” is rather limited, I’m personally not afraid of just copying a “template layout” when I need a new layout in my file - and not use blocks at all. But I do see that it would make sense to somehow automate certain parts of it.

Something I find lacking is a meaningful way to edit a text string with a text field in it.

Perhaps everthing between the %–% could be a Text Field button with easy access to (i) identify the object, (ii) change the object, (iii) change the property.

[All this also reminded me of how clumsy the interface is for picking an object for text fields. I thought that Rhino had crashed as the the interface only replied with the default Windows ‘ping’ error sound but after a while I found that a dialog box was hiding behind the rest of the interface - Existing PaperCut report - RH-39133 ]