I’m playing around with the new components and I was wondering if there is an effficient way to create an area dimension for a closed curve or surface.
I’d usually change the units of an area dimension with an expression and concatenate the rounded number with ’ m²’ or whatever unit is appropriate.
Leader curve type 0 is not accepted…
Let’s say I have an annotation style ‘Area m²’. What would be the procedure to create a Grasshopper text entity similar to an area dimension in Rhino using?
Text field expression only accepts referenced objects. Could that be upgraded so it also accepts Grasshopper geometry?
text_entity_area_dimension.gh (23.6 KB)
Note in the video attached I’m changing the annotation style for the second area dimension. The second time I’m creating the area dimension it is using the wrong style and only after starting the command again, the specified annotation style is used. Small bug?