I don’t know whether the issue I have been experiencing is related to what is described above, technically, but I did find this thread searching for “Rhino 6 very slow text.” I am using Rhino 6 SR13.
I am working on the beginning of a plumbing schematic, which currently has 1 point, 117 curves, and 21 text objects. Most of the text objects are 2-3 character abbreviations. I am working in model space. When I select a text object the entire Rhino interface freezes (the computer, generally, remains responsive) for 2-3 seconds, though anything I click/type during the “freeze” eventually happens. If I double-click on a text object and start typing, rapidly, whatever I type does eventually get entered into the text editing box.
However, this behavior has been intermittent. What I realized just now is that when the Properties Panel is displayed on my screen, this lag occurs. When The properties panel is not displayed, everything related to selecting/editing/manipulating text happens at a normal speed. I further noticed that when the properties panel is displayed, and I select text, the text editing box first displays whatever text had been previously selected, then goes blank for ~1 second, then shows the currently selected text. During this transition time, I also observed that the boundary of the text box actually shifts up and down rapidly by ~1 pixel or so. during the “freeze”.
To illustrate this happening, here’s a video rendered in slow-motion: https://www.dropbox.com/s/19omfrzqrvhvetj/rhino_slomo.mov?dl=0
And here it is in real time: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4hbgf14rdxas35/Rhino_full_speed.mov?dl=0
The interface becomes responsive again once the wiggling stops, but after the new text has been drawn into the Properties Panel edit box.
My solution for now is to keep the Properties Panel off of the screen for this activity, since it isn’t part of my workflow. However, I do use the Properties Panel frequently when I am drawing, so a fix or suggestions on settings to change to avoid this lag when I select text would be great. Thank you.