I’m a new user and I would definitely need some help my project
I am working to define a Pavillon in my school project with Tensile but at that point my 3D model looks ok but need a real look inside by a pro to help me to make my definition smoother and clean because it’s my first time using grasshopper and rhino6.
I did this with grasshopper and Kangaroo but in the definition of the top is just a mirror of the bottom with some cursors changed. My question is how can I define the entirely system of my pavillon without doing two iteration (one for the top, one for the bottom and them mirror)
The second point is my mesh look very weird so I cannot unroll and flatten the entire system into simple elements due to double curved surface I try to make something like this.
First of all, very nice documentation of what you need help with, especially for a newcomer.
Here’s an approach using Kangaroo 2:
It’s a little different from your solution, however it uses only one Kangaroo Solver.
You may notice how the bottom mesh kind of crinkles a little. If you want to avoid that you could try to relax the mesh differently, using the soapfilm method to get a minimal surface.
For the patterning you need to find the geodesic curves and then unroll them. This is necessary if your plan is to actually build it beacause of the tensile stress on the surface.
I understand how the definition works, definitely smoother than mine. You build 3 hexagons curve and you moved into a vector Z positive and negative to have the top and the bottom, you faced them for the mesh I’am just trying to understand the weld mesh and weaverbird catmull process.
Thanks Arqmorelos 1 for the information. You’re right I will try to build it for my end of the semester. ^^
OK, so remember how everything started with three hexagons, and in the following process the data was kept structured in three main tree branches with separate data for the top and bottom parts.
After the individual mesh quads are constructed, you first want to join and weld them together for each of the three, individual lofts, the bottom and top ones. I don’t know if this is absolutely necessary for this case, but I like to structure things clearly.
After that you join and weld the three bottom lofts, as well as the three top lofts to form the top and bottom meshes.
I think it’s best to keep the top and bottom separate. Your process above shows that you have some sort of circular metal profile that you attach the textiles to between both top and bottom.
The Catmull-Clark subdivisions are used to smooth the top and bottom mesh and turn their polygonal, low poly boundary into a rounded one, to match your design from above better.
Here’s another example with the above mentioned soapfilm method, which should give you a minimal surface:
For avoiding crinkling, another simple way is to set the rest length of the edges to zero.
(Leaving the Length input empty means the rest length defaults to the starting length of the edge, which can mean some edges end up in compression, which leads to the fabric buckling into these wrinkles. Providing an explicit input of zero here ensures that each edge is always in tension.)
Because you have a nicely structured quad mesh here, you can also sort the edges into warp and weft directions for more control over the shape and how cone/funnel like it is:
Thank you so much for the perfect explanation!
I’m currently trying to create a housing cluster, which looks like the upper section.
Is it possible to create a gap on the middle part as if there ar anchor points?
I have used this exact example actually and i don’t know how to move forward.
Yes, here’s a simplified demonstration on how to do something like this, although getting this more modelled, organic look with Grasshopper is a challenge.
You can also start with for instance a couple of hexagons.
This is obviously a little different from yours, but I hope you get how something like this can be approached.
You first come up with a rough base mesh that then gets “optimized” with Kanagaroo.
Thank you so much for your super quick return!!!
I have tried something and gave me some proper result, don’t know if it’S the right and easy wat to do it but i basically want to use some organic base but not an interection of hexagons because i want my definition to be used for any other base forms, too. In this way i have created 3 seperated parts (for top, bottom and courtyard). Now, what a want to do actually is that, adjusting the position of the ‘oculus’ parts. They are now just a reflection of the base circles but i want them to be rotated in xz and yz plane so that i can position them to the sun. But each oculus needs to be adjusted differently.
Im attaching the code here! Your feedbacks are so valuable!!!
I have none of the plug-ins you’ve installed, but it turns out none are necessary for this really.
I’ve annotated the definition with relevant information and randomized the tilting of the “skylights”, since otherwise you’d need to adjust three sliders per “skylight”, instead of a single seed for everything here. How I’ve set it up should also make it easier to say drive this by sun values or whatever else.
One thing to understand is that for something like this, all you really need are anchors and edge lengths. None of the other goals you tried, made much sense to me.
First the naked vertices need to be sorted to be grouped by curve they belong to, be it the perimeter curve, the courtyard one or the numerous skylight ones.
Then you can pull these grouped vertices to the curves they belong to to find the anchor.
Since the “skylight” vertices get fitted a circle that gets then moved in z-direction, they have a target elsewhere on top.
The edge lengths component is used to contract (or expand) the mesh.
You can introduce another load for the vertices, if you want.
May I ask one more thing? I want to create diamond paneling using my Kangaroo mesh, and then, with a curve attractor, adjust the openness of the frames.
At the end of the proccess i want to get;
The structure as a result of WB picture frame
Concrete parts as WB Mesh window
Glass parts ? which I couldn’t create with the WB …
I didn’t convert my mesh to a surface and intended to work with paneling directly on the mesh.
Right after, i want to adjust the diamond frames to be wide or narrow depending on how close it is to attractor curve but the attractor is also not working somehow…
So I have two problems… curve attractor and the interior parts of the panels as seperated mesh (glass parts)
I would be really happy if you could also help me with this!!
Right after, i tried to divide the panels to be able to use them as concrete, glass parts. But i couldn’t the mesh that in between two curves (maybe it’s not planar or i don’t know…)
Well actually, at the end I wanted to create this kind of form, and for the openings tried to use attractor to enriech it… . As you can see, the diamond-like grid become wider at bottom part, and all the structure is smooth… and i don’t know how to manage it.
I have created different topics for my different problems. Maybe in that way it’s much more clear i hope. As i need to solve it as soon as possible, i will be waiting your super helpful feedbacks!