It might be a very basic question, but I can’t find the best answer.
I’d like to know the best way to create a polybeam without visible edges, similar to a spiral beam.
I understand that connecting a NURBS curve or polycurve to the Beam Component’s “Curve” input divides the given curve into smaller segments based on the Max Control Points setting.
As far as I know, the best way to achieve a smooth polybeam is to use arc-like curves. I’ve tried two approaches: converting to arcs using Rhino’s built-in Convert command and using a similar Grasshopper C# component. Both gave similar results, but they created separate beams.
I don’t care much about these edges in the model space, but on the drawing, I’d like to have smooth beams. Is there any way to achieve this?
GH Script and Tekla Model space:
Rhino preview:
Drawing output:
polytoarc.gh (15.3 KB)