Technical view mode misses many lines

You will have to use that command to make a mesh object from your NURBS geometry and then display that result as you want.

This means that I’ve to convert every object I’ve to see in the layout from NURBS to Mesh, so I’ve to deal at least with a copy of every object.

Sorry but in my opinion this is a workaround, not a solution.

Also, as you can see, it doesn’t work.

Who ever said that this was a solution? You want to try something that probably won’t even be in Rhino 7!

Nobody, I siad in my opinion.

Right, but it was mentioned as in development and it seems (for me) a solution, so if it works (and this is why I would like to try), I wouldn’t understand why not include in Rhino7.

We are users (our company) of Rhino 5 from years, with its pro and cons, and we are trying Rhino 7 to understand if it solve some cons it has.
If so, it will be reason to made the upgrade. (always said in my opinion, shareable or not :slight_smile: )

As far as the initial post in this thread, @wim please create a YT issue. This may be something we can tune with our technical display regardless of whet meshing algorithm is used.

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Done - RH-57231