Hi everyone!
I just got the t-spline v4.0 r11183 for rhino, everything is working fine when i’m using ts commands in rhino, but in grasshopper every component i use generates mesh like, jagged geometries instead of smooth nurbs surfaces. i’m pretty sure something’s wrong cuz I’ve seen tutorial videos which are working fine with this same version i’m using. anyone else had this issue ??
Are you converting the resulting control polygon meshes to smooth objects? inside Tsplines this is done with the Tab key-
Just so you know (and I’m sure you do at this point) Tsplines for rhino is dead…autodesk is no longer supporting it, updating it, or doing any development work on it.
You may want to look at Clayoo, it’s the only sub-d plugin that is still under development for rhino.
Hey @theoutside ! Yes the OutputType in rhino can be selected but in grasshopper there are no settings for that, not that i know off.
Well i didn’t KNOW it was dead, but i guessed since the latest versions and discussion threads are for like 4-5 years back. The main reason i was trying Tspline was the tspipe component, i know there are other plugins like Exoskeleton that do the same thing, but tspipe was supposed to be easier to work with, atleast in theory . will give Clayoo a shot. Thanks alot mate
Hi Kyle,
I enjoyed your many Tspline videos from several years ago although it was my opinion that the product was never adequately supported. So, what are you using now?
all rhino all the time…
I still have an old copy of tsplines installed with rhino v5, and will keep it for the foreseeable future- even when I upgrade to v6, I’ll keep v5 around sor sub d stuff as needed.
Eventually rhino will have its own subd stuff, but who knows when that will be…