Hi Rhino users,
I’m facing not that big issue but I’m working half time on my office computer and other half at home with my desktop computer.
So all allong my work I customise the UI, sometimes on the first PC and sometimes on the second one.
When I start to be a bit lost with to much differences between both UI, I make an export of one and import it in the second.
We have a server that we work on at my office and I was thinking of synchronised automaticly (using freefile sync or other) UI files from rhino interface folder, so when I close rhino, it will save the interface, copy it on the server and if I work home, it will load it in the my home PC rhino interface folder.
Question: With Rhino 8, interface management changed quite a lot and what could be the files that I would need to transfert? Do aliases can be sync to? or it needs to be exported manually?
I mainly think about the popup toolbar that I adapt quite often during my projects, and sometimes the overall toolbars positions.