Thank you for looking into my problem.
I am trying to create the geometry of a concrete box girder bridge with variable box height and canted side walls.
My original plan was create the end crossections and sweep them with the top rail and bottom rail definied at the middle of the section.
The results seemed fine by first look but when I inspected closely I have realized that some of the edges are not created in the way I intended so.
Is there any way to define a curve for each edge? Or if not what is the usual solutions for sweeping complex geometries?
Here is some picture and the files to articulate my problem.
The Entwine connected to the ‘Rail 1’ input of Sweep2 duplicates that top rail, resulting in two copies of the output of Sweep2. It doesn’t explain the issues you see but is a mistake, eh? ‘1. szakasz fent’ should be wired directly to the ‘Rail 1’ input, skipping Entwine.
The anomaly in your first image is caused by viewing the bottom-left edge of the sweep in ‘Right’ view. This happens to an even greater extent when the ‘Height’ input to Sweep2 is inverted (right-click) from True to False, as you can see here:
The anomaly in your second image appears to be caused by the fact that your top rail (‘1. szakasz fent’) is not horizontal. It slopes up slightly from start (Z = -170.550443) to end (Z = -38.700092).
OH This is ‘Right View’ with distractions hidden. It shows the sections at both ends of the rail. The smaller section is at the start of the rails, the larger one at the end. The bottom of the sweep gets narrower (and taller) from start to end. Doesn’t that explain the curve in your first image?
" The Entwine connected to the ‘Rail 1’ input of Sweep2 duplicates that top rail, resulting in two copies of the output of Sweep2. It doesn’t explain the issues you see but is a mistake, eh? ‘1. szakasz fent’ should be wired directly to the ‘Rail 1’ input, skipping Entwine."
This was just me playing with the idea of giving more rails sorry for leavning it in the file.
"The anomaly in your second image appears to be caused by the fact that your top rail (‘1. szakasz fent’) is not horizontal. It slopes up slightly from start (Z = -170.550443) to end (Z = -38.700092) ".
The original problem has a slight curvature upwards. But I have a straight line as well for “1. szakasz fent”. Unfortunatelly the problem remains.
" OH This is ‘Right View’ with distractions hidden. It shows the sections at both ends of the rail. The smaller section is at the start of the rails, the larger one at the end. The bottom of the sweep gets narrower (and taller) from start to end. Doesn’t that explain the curve in your first image?"
It does not really gets narrower. The first 9500 mm is straight line.
To be honest for a second I thought that the geometry does not exist. But then I have tried to create it by making the box walls vertical and then cut the slope into them. It works well that way.
Unfortunately this is just the beginning of the geometry therefore I would really want to avoid the cutting down from a “cube” direction.
Here is the picture how the bottom deck should look.
The bottom surface of the sweep gets narrower because the section at the start is narrower on the bottom than the section at the end. Pretty sure this causes the edge curve you reported.
Sorry I’ve just understood what you have wrote. Yes you are right but if you look at the two sections stacked on each other the taller section’s bottom line gets narrower by the amount the distance between the wall lines shrink.
On this picture yellow is the taller section and the black line is the bottom line of the shorter section. That means in theory the two bottom edge of the wall could be in plane. ( Just as on the pervious picture when i manually cut it out).