Sweep2 Face Normals inverted why?

Hi there,
I´m trying to sweep2 something in Rhino 7.
However when I try to offset the surface, it it shows me that two sets of the surface normals are inverted. Does anyone know why and how to fix it?
I have checked my sections and rails directions and they seem okay. I tried sweeping it in different orders tried in in gh but to no avail.

(upload://65RrPi44Z1iGE6OzJGV5ZLglnxW.3dm) (1.5 MB)

weird normals
sweep normals Problemm.3dm (1.6 MB)

please help :smiley:

Endgoal is to offset the srf and creat a soild ( closed polysrf)

My temporary fix is to trun the srf into a mesh and work with that however one loses a lot of deatil ( roundnes of the objekt, yes you can later on do subD, however that isnt as accurate). I`m definetly not satisfied with the work around, maybe someone else has a better idea. If you do please let me know. :smiley:

Hi William, I do not see the flipped normals in the file you posted- but I do see the rail curves are quite messy - small segments, non-tangent segments etc - that will make the resulting sweep more complicated and messier than it needs to be.



Hi William,

If you explode the surface you find quite different constructs each side of the flipped normal area, while the flipped normals are on a thin sliver of a surface that is folded back on itself:

This has arisen because the rail isn’t smooth.


Thank you Jeremey and Pascal,

I have cleaned up my Rails and made shure everysingle curve is obj. tangable to the following one and it works. So in the future I will work cleaner.
The Offset of the enteire srf. didnt work. However when I explode the polysrf. into surfaces it works just fine.
Working sweep.3dm (367.7 KB).
