Sweep1 - Data Tree Problem or Bug?


After scouring the forums and internet at large for a solution I am stumped and hoping I’m overlooking a simple grafting solution.

I have a data tree containing rails (branch paths 0,1,2) and a data tree containing sections (branch paths 0,1,2).

If I plug these into the Sweep1 component and graft both inputs I get very odd/misaligned results. If I manually select each branch and sweep one at a time, it works perfect.

Am I overlooking a graft in this process? I cannot find a solution though I realize people come post a fair amount about Sweep issues.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Please see the attached screenshots and files
sweep1_data_tree_error.gh (22.4 KB)
sweep1_data_tree_error.3dm (811.0 KB)
, Thank you!

Okay sorry I figured it out. Leaving the post in case anyone else has the same issue. Turns out (as it usually is) it was a user error in data tree structuring.

I just needed to “inflate” the list of rails so that every single section had a rail dedicated to it, even if the rail was a duplicate.

I just used the longest list node to achieve this.