now, that R8 supports SVG icons, how can we add them to our panels using Eto?
The naïve approach of simply feeding an svg file to an Eto.Drawing.Bitmap fails miserably. Besides, the point is to keep the icon as vector, not rasterize it.
public static Bitmap Biodiversity = Bitmap.FromResource("EmbeddedResources.Icons_Biodiversity.svg");
Inner Exception 1:
NotSupportedException: No imaging component suitable to complete this operation was found.
Inner Exception 2:
COMException: The component cannot be found. (0x88982F50)
public static Icon Test = Rhino.UI.ImageResources.CreateEtoIcon("EmbeddedResources.Icons_Biodiversity.svg", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), 36, 36, false);
Any chance this can be backported to R7? I’d be happy to include external libraries if necessary to support vector icons in my plugins.