Surfaces Planes Intersect Issue

Hello everyone!

Following up on my previous question, please check it from the link below.

I have another similar question, and I’m kindly looking for assistance once again. While dividing the facade surfaces using a set of planes generated either by using the Divide Curve or Divide Length components, I’ve noticed that the planes are intersecting not only with their respective surfaces but with the other opposite surfaces as well (please refer to the attached images).

Any idea what might be causing this issue and how to let the planes intersect only with their relevant surfaces?

Thank you in advance for any help.
DIVIDE (91.9 KB)

it’s so weird… I have Elefront installed, but when I open your GH file it says:


so I Download and Install:


and despite that:



Hi Inno, sorry for the inconvenience but I believe version differences might be causing this issue.
However, I re-uploaded the file replacing the EF Data Description with the standard Grasshopper Data component.

Hope it’s working for you now.
DIVIDE (90.6 KB)

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That’s because it’s version 4.2.2. I’m still running that version and was able to open the file without problem.
And only after seeing my beloved Graft Parallel at the end did I realise this was a question I answered previously :smiley:

The easiest way is actually to go bruteforce and compute the planes for each piece of façade.
You don’t need GP anymore.

DIVIDE (89.4 KB)

Your data structure has to be {x;y;z} = {building;level;façade}.
But computing the planes only for the first level makes the structure at the end being {x;z}… Definitely not easy to duplicate those branches.

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@magicteddy thank you for the response.
I tried a similar approach to your solution before but I encountered a problem, in cases of setbacks or projections in the facade surfaces, it resulted in generating patterns specific to each Level/edge. My goal, however, is to achieve the same divisions/planes pattern on all levels/edges taking the base level’s planes as a reference for all surfaces to have the same straight pattern (Please refer to the new GH attached file and images below).

According to the base-level planes.

By level planes.

I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions you might have to achieve this. My main aim is to avoid having the planes intersect on both sides and to maintain the same division pattern throughout.

Thank you so much for your help.
DIVIDE (144.1 KB)

Prepair some aspirin !

Sorting faces per normal direction

Extract bottom edge of the bottom face

Divide and Graft Parallel the planes

Brep | Plane gives an error since some upper surfaces are not in the range of some bottom planes. That’s not problematic. You could test for proximity before if that red color bothers you.

DIVIDE (139.8 KB)


@magicteddy Thank you very much for the answer. It’s working now.