I am trying to create a surface with pyramids (ideally with square base) which will vary in heights in relation to the attractor point which I will later use as sun in ladybug/Galapagos. The surface needs to be be created in gh (not rhino and imported), so I can manipulate it and control it with number sliders. ( I have made a surface like this in the second file which I attach).
I found couple of images which look similar to what I would like to achieve (see the attached). I have made few attempts, however I struggle with all.
I have tried to recreate this script (http://formularch.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/gh-curvature-cones.html) but I am unable to download ‘mesh analysis and utility’ plugin/. I think it does not exist anymore.(Cones do not need to be open at the top, however it is not a problem if they are).
First script which I attach is what I have done based on lunch box tutorial which is close to what I want to achieve but here the surface has limits in forms it can take. Also, more importantly, I can not work out how to do it so the cones/pyramids change in height rather than the size of the top opening of the cones changes in relation to the attractor.
I am a beginner in gh so in the other file my friend advised me how to create a surface which can be ‘nicely’ manipulated which is what I need. The problems here begin with the centre points of each grid square not being planar to its surface. Here, I only managed to create one pyramid when I baked the points and referenced them back to gh.
To some extend, I would like to combine both scripts and be able to control the height of cones with point attractor. I hope this will make sense to someone…
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you !
spikes opt 2 tutorial.gh (11.1 KB)
form finding surface for cones.gh (18.4 KB)