Surface UV

For some reason my surface UVs are wavy. I have a surface and I want to use lunchbox on it, however the outcome would not be what I want because of the uv lines have curvature in more than one plane. Can someone guide me into what I should be looking into or what I’m doing wrong?

Bestsurface uv.3dm (232.9 KB) (10.6 KB)

You didnt internalize your curves so can’t use your file.

Looks like your curves have fillets or are arcs, use fitCrv component to degree 3 before lofting. Or set the loft to Refit in the options input.

Thanks Michael, However that doesnt seems to resolve the issue. I have the curves internalized in this new attachmentsurface uv.3dm (190.5 KB) (13.7 KB)

Figured it out. Rebuild curves with high control point count and then loft