Surface Sweep - Overlap

Hi all,

I want to make a 3D spiral by sweeping two circles along a curve.
The spiral overlaps on itself. Is there a way to resolve this and have one ‘merged’ surface.
Exploding, trimming, etc does not seem to work as it is a single surface.

There is probably a specific term for this, but I cannot seem to find related information.

Example_Sweep.3dm (933.3 KB)

Hello- yeah, it is a bit of a pain - you need two objects to intersect - you can get there like so:

  1. SrfSeam to move the seam location away from the self-intersection:


  1. Split with an isocurve on the oppisite side, Shrink=Yes:


So you have two obects , then Intersect - there will be curves you don’t need but the red one is the one you will want - use that to Trim.

You will need a curve that connects the the open end of the red curve - to be able to trim the green surface. One way it to project a line onto the green from Top

Then you can trim both surfaces as needed.


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Thank you very much! Your explanation is very clear…Only the last step: “…Then you can trim both surfaces as needed” → What exactly do you mean?


*EDIT. I figured it out. I used split with the curve and deleted the unwanted piece. Then join and cap and I end up with a beautiful, non-intersecting surface.

Thanks a lot!

Hello- I do not know what the desired end result is - but those curves should allow you to trim either or both of the split out surfaces.


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