Surface split sort out outside

I would like to parametrically cull surfaces inside regions (red), and leave outside ones (green).
In my case I don’t know how to filter surfaces outside the region. Any ideas? (15.8 KB)

Your splitting curves are not on your surfaces, not even close! So I’m surprised you got any results at all. I have three clusters that sort geometry by different things:

  • EL Sort (Edge Length Sort) - Sort geometry fragments by sum of edge lengths.
  • aSort (Area Sort) - Sort geometry fragments by sum of face areas.
  • G-sort (Geometry Sort) - Returns brep or curve with lowest and highest average Z vertices. (29.5 KB)

GIGO :bangbang:

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Or as Paul McCartney so eloquently put it in 1969:

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Meaning: If you want clean geometry out, put clean geometry in. :sunglasses:

The closing lyrics of “The End” inspired this plaque

“The End” is a song by the Beatles composed by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon-McCartney) for the album Abbey Road. It was the last song recorded collectively by all four Beatles, and is the final song of the medley that comprises the majority of side two of the LP version of the album.

©1969 Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Thank you @Joseph_Oster. Right, my geometry was a little messy. Cleaned it a little bit and managed to trim my geometry by extruding cutting region and using Trim Solid component.