Surface merging Problem

Hello all.
I am getting 2 different results with the same commands. Draw planar
curve → extrude curve(surface) → explode and create polysurface → mergesrf .
1st result gave me what I was looking for, a sharp corner. Second and subsequent attempts yielded unwanted results.
My settings for MergeSrf are (smooth=no: tolerance=0.0001, roundness =0) …I used these same setting on both versions.
The problem is occurring right in the corner where it cheats the edges of the 2 surfaces coming together. If I am doing something wrong, I would like to know what I have to do to achieve the desired results of a sharp corner on a single surface. I have included a file with both occurrences. Hopefully one of you smart people can help me figure out what I’m missing?

merge sample.3dm (68.4 KB)

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These results basically look the same to me.

Hi Stevek - I don’t yet see why these two objects have different render meshes but that is where the discrepancy lies in the shaded display.
