Surface Matching?


I am trying to match two surfaces together to achieve G2 continuity. The first set of surfaces (left) has 2 degrees in the U direction and could not achieve G2. In the second set (right) the top surface is unchanged, but I had to adjust the U of the bottom surface to 5 degrees to achieve G2 continuity (barely).

The question: If the top surface has such a minimal U layout (2 deg), why does the bottom surface have to become so dense in the U direction to match it (G2)? The top surface does not have a really deformed surface edge, so it seems like the bottom should be able to match it with a lower U degree count.


surfaces.3dm (1.1 MB)

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C2 or G2?

Sometimes the ‘edge’ composition can have a dramatic impact, regardless of surface ‘interior’ detals.

G, sorry.

np. :coffee: So, what are you tryna match up here:

:thinking: :face_with_monocle:

The top surface has minimal curvature, clean UV point layout and clean edges.

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This is what zebra looks like after attempting to make the bottom surface G2 matchsrf to the top surface:

I haven’t found a way, other than adding +3 degrees (5 total) in the U direction of the bottom surface to get a G2 match.

The main thing I’m trying to understand is why the bottom surface has to become so dense when the top surface is so clean.

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Interesting, yeah I was wondering why the V direction was degree 5

I’m not sure if matching the UV isocurve directions ahead of time, would help or not.

I’m curious to know what your dialogue parameters are during the match surface phase:


This is the setting I was using:

I was matching the bottom surface to the top surface, to ensure the top surface does not change shape during the match.

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something to do with the transformation from the previous state.

I think the ‘tolerance’ can effect the magnitude of the change. (density)

It’s all pretty subtle, seems like the surfacing theory is sounds and the tools are being used correctly, but the lack of attainable continuity is falling outside of the scope of the evaluation tools…

This is where the surfaces are having the most difficulty matching:

I can correct it by adding a bunch of knots, to the bottom surface, where the curve graph is red, but still seems weird that I need to add so much complexity to match to such a basic surface.

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Hi Justin - thanks, I passed this along to the developer for a look.



Thanks Pascal

The best way to correct it is to bump the two surfaces up to degree 3X3 instead of degree2X3.
After doing that MatchSrf should work.
With the degree 2 surfaces you can get them to match for tangency if you make the first 2 CVs on each symmetric:
degree2.3dm (61.6 KB)

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That did the trick. I guess the U degrees on both surfaces were just too low-res to make a clean connection. Maybe when the U directions were both set at 2 degrees the radius of curvature from somewhere else on the surface was too much for 2 degrees to handle at the junction.


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The question I have for the developer is whether that ought to work at degree 2 - if the structures match, then it seems like it ought to be possible to get a clean match without raising the degree.



A workaround that maintains degree 2:

  1. _ExtendSrf _Type=Smooth _Merge=No the upper surface to create a new surface covering the lower surface.
  2. _MatchSrf the lowest edge of the new surface to Position match the relative edge of the lower surface.
  3. _EndBulge the new surface to adjust its control point spread.


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That’s a novel workaround!

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