Surface from planes (using planes z-axis as face normal at that point) ||| Planes still on XY-Plane and need to be moved on z-axis acrding to angle

WIP update

Interpolation between points was unreliable (patch would take unpredictable shapes)
Needing another method to “interpolate” between a set of 2D-random-placed values, I switched to using mesh-spray functions.

I try to describe now shortly the process:

  • I created a set of points (flat, Z=0) , each with its normal vector. In the script I used a semi-sphere as a source.
  • Done delaunay mesh from those points + some far point to get a large, extended mesh
  • Converted normal vectors to normal colors and colored the mesh with spray points
  • evaluated the mesh with a high-resolution grid of samples to get an even distributed matrix of color samples
  • converted color to vector back again

From now on the method is likely to be inaccurate/wrong/incomplete
(or maybe i’m just lacking enough resolution, the 2D version was fine ONLY with very high resolution)

  • we have a matrix of vector samples to use for moving the matrix of point
  • for each row, starting from first point (still), calculated final Z for each element as the sum of the “steep” (tangency) of all previous element
  • same for each column
  • for each point in the matrix, done the average (of Zs) from row and column results

7_1 (51.4 KB)

Visual result:

Starting from top:

  • theoretical perfect result (just getting correct info from the semi-sphere)
  • semi-sphere used to get initial samples, vector + point (projected to Z0)
  • final result
  • interpolated mesh from high resolution sub-samples (from top it looks the same as the sphere - good!)
  • large low resolution mesh from original starting uneven samples (+ visible vectors)

I tried an very high resolution, but after some time i just killed rhino…
I don’t know how to go on further than this.

This is semi-heuristic , no (complex) math involved … result: meh.

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