Can someone help me perhaps figure out why my surface is gone? it says it is still solid and i can look through the object, but i can’t get it back. Im quite new to Rhino so maybe it is a small thing. Appriciate it!
Hey Jesse -
It’s hard to tell from pictures. Please always post a 3dm file.
It looks like the display meshes are not being created for some surfaces. A defect trim curve could cause that. Extracting surfaces and untrimming and retrimming them might work…
Hey Wim,
sorry i’m really new in this kind of stuff and such so im not really aware what i have to upload, but thank you for the information!
i’ve found out where the problem comes from but can’t really find out why is happens.
sorry that i again use pictures but maybe this will be more clear.
the problem comes from the selected part. When i want to booleanUnion the part with the main part is happens
this is the image after i have made a union
is the 3dm file by the way the Rhino file?
yeah it helped! thank you very much! It is still a bit weird for me why it happens tho, because it just dissapears when I use BooleanUnion. Thank you still
Hey Jesse -
Yes, that’s the file we need here.
Is that a curve or a surface edge?
Same question here.
auto’s.3dm (3.6 MB)
This is the file. The problem is on the left where the 2 objects are surrounded by a rectangle. Maybe you can see the problem.
- Jesse
Sorry if i’m not clear about things
those were curves by the way, but i changed it that everything was gone and that only the solid polysurface remained. But when I booleanUnion something around that area it still makes the surfaces disappear
When I extract and untrim your surfaces, the seam of the cone shape is directly on the edge of your part…this is likely creating a small defect if it happens to be just a tiny hair off the planar surface it’s intersecting…
use srfseam and rotate the seam to a spot where it’ll be trimmed off and the problem goes away.
this is a common problem with booleans, they do not like seams to be coincident with a face.
simply extract, untrim and move the seam using srfseam, then retrim and join-
Now thats very useful to know srfseam
Thank you so much for the video and explanation! now i know how to move on and use it correctly, thank you again!!!
anytime- happy modeling!