Surface Continuity issue

I guess I have surface continuity problem with this simple ring. I checked continuity with EMap and Zebra. Can anyone say how can fix this problem?
bombato.3dm (2.2 MB)

Hi Eakan - I see some slight discontinuity here

To fix this:

  1. ExtractSrf the two surfaces.
  2. Hide everything else
  3. DupBorder
  4. UntrimBorder
  5. MatchSrf for Tangency, with Average set in the MatchSrf dialog. Looks like you need ‘Refine’ set as well.
  6. Re-trim.
  7. Show the other parts, Join.

Now… the above may have altered the shape enough that you may need to re-match some of the transition surfaces in order for it all to join up cleanly - normally you’d get that match across the larger surfaces set before creating the details.


Hi Pascal - After final Join I got some naked edges.

Have I use _JoinEdge (Join 2 naked edges) or MatchSrf?

I would also recommend rebuilding (simplifying) all your surfaces while you’re at it. It will help you achieve smoother surface matches.


Now, everything’s alright. Thanks Pascal.