Super-super fast Point Inclusion test for Cylinder/Breps?

I put together some code which:

  • is based purely on geometry and algebra

  • and does not create instances of Point3D or Vector3D types

  • uses just pure double types in computing

  • so it is supposed to be fast
    All explanation about alghorithm is embended in the code as comments.
    On my PC ( Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1241 v3 3.50 GHz, 16GB RAM, Win10 Pro) speed of execution for 47.000 points is not mesurable in milliseconds (0 miliseconds).
    With 500.000 of points time execution becomes 5-6 miliseconds.
    Here is the code:

      public static bool[] IsPointInsideCylinder(Cylinder cylinder, Point3d[] points, double tolerance)
          bool[] pointStatus = new bool[points.Length];
          //pointStatus[i] = true => points[i] is inside of cylinder
          Vector3d N = cylinder.Axis;
          N.Unitize(); // N should be already unit size vector, but for any case...
          Point3d C1 = cylinder.Center;
          //we find base of cylinder = circle 
          Circle baseCircle = cylinder.CircleAt(cylinder.Height1);
          double radiusWithTolerance = baseCircle.Radius + tolerance;
          double SquareRadiusWithTolerance = radiusWithTolerance * radiusWithTolerance;
          // Any point T(T.X; T.Y; T.Z) on cylinder.Axis has parametrical formula:
          //   T = C1+ t * N  where t is parameter (t is real number)
          // In that case coordiantes of T point can be writen as: 
          // (1)
          //       T.X = C1.X + t*N.X
          //       T.Y = C1.Y + t*N.Y    
          //       T.Z = C1.Z + t*N.Z
          // So, for point C1 parameter is t_C1 = 0
          double t_C1 = 0;
          // and for point C2 parameter is t_C2 = cylinder.TotalHeight,  Point3d C2 = C1 + t_C2 * N
          double t_C2 = cylinder.TotalHeight;
          // Let P(P.X; P.Y; P.Z) be any point in space
          //  and T(T.X; T.Y; T.Z) be projection of point P to axis, so T= C1 + t * N for one and just one "t".
          // Because T is projection of P on axis we know that vector P-T is orthogonal to axis,
          //  so it must be (P-T)*N = 0  (DOT PRODUCT of two orthogonal vectors is 0)
          // (2)
          //      (P-T) * N =  0   =>  we will use algebraic definition of dot product to calcualte it: 
          //        ( P.X -T.X ) * N.X  +  (P.Y - T.Y) * N.Y  +  (P.Z - P.Z) * N.Z = 0
          //   and if we substitute T.X, T.Y and T.Z in previous formula with presentation from (1) and do all calculus we get
          //      t = (N.X * (P.X - C1.X) + N.Y * (P.Y - C1.Y) + N.Z * (P.Z - C1.Z)) / (N.X*N.X + N.Y*N.Y + N.Z*N.Z)
          //   becasue N is unit vector value of (N.X*N.X + N.Y*N.Y + N.Z*N.Z) = N.SquareLength = 1
          //   so our parameter t for point T becomes:
          //  (3)
          //      t = (N.X * (P.X - C1.X) + N.Y * (P.Y - C1.Y) + N.Z * (P.Z - C1.Z))
          //  And now we can use formula (1) to calucalte T.X, T.Y and T.Z  if we need it
          //  So now we can calculate square distance of point P to point T by:
          //  (4)
          //      SquareDistancePT = ( P.X -T.X ) * ( P.X -T.X )  +  (P.Y - T.Y) * (P.Y - T.Y)  +  (P.Z - P.Z) * (P.Z - P.Z)
          //  Now we have everything we need to chcek if point P is inside cylinder.
          //  First condition: if distance between point P and axis is larger than Cylinder radius than point IS NOT inside cylinder,
          //                   this statement is equivalent for square distances so we can write it down as
          //      if (SquareDistancePT> SquareRadiusWithTolerance) { //point is not inside cylinder}
          //   In case that SquareDistancePT<= SquareRadiusWithTolerance  point may be inside cylinder so
          //      we have to check if point T (projection of point P to axis) is inside cylinder.
          //   It is obvious that point T for which we have determined parameter t by (3) IS NOT inside cylinder if:
          //      if (t < t_C1 || t > t_C2) {//point is not inside cylinder} 
          //  Before we use parameters t_C1 and T_C2 in previuos formula we should add tolerance to them as follows:
          //     t_C1 = t_C1 - tolerance
          //     t_C2 = t_C2 + tolerance
          t_C1 = t_C1 - tolerance;
          t_C2 = t_C2 + tolerance;
          // So we have everything to calculate if an arbitrary point P is inside cylinder
          for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
              double t = N.X * (points[i].X - C1.X)  +  N.Y * (points[i].Y - C1.Y)  +  N.Z * (points[i].Z - C1.Z);
              double TX = C1.X + t * N.X;
              double TY = C1.Y + t * N.Y;
              double TZ = C1.Z + t * N.Z;
              var SquareDistancePT = (points[i].X - TX) * (points[i].X - TX) + 
                                     (points[i].Y - TY) * (points[i].Y - TY) + 
                                     (points[i].Z - TZ) * (points[i].Z - TZ); 
              if (t < t_C1 || t > t_C2 || SquareDistancePT > SquareRadiusWithTolerance)
                  pointStatus[i] = false; //point not inside cylinder
                  pointStatus[i] = true;
          return pointStatus;
