It would be useful to have an icon on the recently used toolbar that would allow the user to “freeze” the input. I find when doing repetitive tasks that the MRU toolbar is extremely handy to re-use the same series of commands over and over. But if you get interrupted and need to deviate from that, the toolbar changes, and often forces an icon(s) off the toolbar. Now the order of icons that you were accustomed to using for that project is different.
It might seem logical to make a toolbar for that task, and in a lot of cases I have, but I don’t think it’s practical to make a toolbar for everything you may ever encounter. So that’s why the MRU is so useful, and the ability to keep it from changing temporarily, would be even more useful on top of that.
(I would have classified this under Serengetti, but there isn’t a V9 WIP Serengetti yet).