Subsoil model


We are looking for software for the following problem.

We create ground models in the software Leapfrog Works. Unfortunately, these models cannot be used by our partners.
In both IFC and DWG, the foundation layers are exported as envelopes.
In the DWG export, a subsoil layer consists of several thousand surfaces that are grouped on a layer.
However, our partners require solids.

Is it possible in Rhino to convert the groups of 3D surfaces into solids?

Whether the conversion is carried out in IFC or DWG format is not relevant at first.

Hi Lucas -

Probably. But how much work it will be depends on the specifics of the file. Can you post a sample DWG file?

We work a lot with terrain data and have developed a fair bit of tools for this. If you could share a typical file (pm if you can’t share here) then I can take a look and give some advice. (I am a reseller of Rhino, but do not work for McNeel.)