SubDFriendly - Make un-friendly

Is there a command to make SubD friendly curves no longer “friendly”. In other words make all the control points directly editable? The reason this is needed is if a curve is unintentionally made SubD friendly and it needs to be edited. Two ways to unintentionally make a curve SubD friendly - Create the curve with SubDFriendly=Yes left over from from previously using the command, or use MakeSubDFriendly and unintentionally pick a curve.

Currently I use InsertControlPoint or InsertKnot and then delete the inserted control point or knot. The resulting curve is no longer SubD friendly and all control points can be directly edited. A direct method is desireable.

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TestSubDUnfriend command makes hidden points of SubD friendly curves visible and editable.

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Thanks, that is what I was looking for. Hopefully it will become a regular command soon.

On the list as RH-61942: SubD: Make TestSubDUnfriend a regular command

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