Stuck with weave in GH.. help!

I’m trying to make the same pattern in the second slice of the project, but I dont understand why it shows up on all slices except the second one. Does anyone have any idea why?

Aarnaud.GH (16.7 KB)

Hmm if I flatten your final output the point order jumps that gap like it needs a duplicate layer of points there.

Duplicating those points solves it but it’s not the most elegant solution. Maybe someone else has a neater soution.

edited_Aarnaud.GH (13.7 KB)


If you increase the number of profile circles in your pattern you will notice the problem with your script. It is creating two sets of circles, one with all the even indices (0, 2, 4…) and another one with all the odd indices (1, 3, 5…). Points on corresponding circles are connected (0-1, 2-3, 4-5…), however, points on circle 1 are not joined 2, and on circle 3 are not joined to 4, creating discontinuities.

AarnaudRev1.GH (20.3 KB)

The revised script fixes that by connectiong points between circle 1, to 2, to 3 and so on.