Strucutral Facade over 2 or more spheres

Hi there.
I want to create a two layer facade like the amazon headquarter in the reference photo.

I need a structural base layer and a transparent cover.

i don’t have any ideas since im new to rhino :confused:
maybe you can help me :slight_smile:


What are you looking to create exactly? A rendering, structural model, conceptual design, fabrication?

What are the inputs and outputs?

I created a basic geometry based on multiple spheres.

i want to create a structural model.

Hi @Simon25 ,
Which software do you plan to use for structural analysis?

I Just generate a random geometry with the Help of rhino8 & Grasshopper and now i want to add a structure &facade to this geometry.

Hi @Simon25 ,
Thank you for the reply.
You said you want to create structural model.
By that you meant 3D model? Not structural analysis model?

yes I mean 3d model. my bad :slight_smile:

Hi Simon -

Perhaps you should start with some basic tutorials, or, at the very least post a 3dm model and tell us exactly where you are getting stuck. Since you have posted this in the rather general “Rhino” category, we’ll have to assume that you are creating everything manually. From your image, it looks like you need a bunch of cylinders. Have you tried that? There is nothing in plain Rhino that will just “solve” this for you. If you want something more “parametric”, I suggest you search for “space truss” in the Grasshopper category. But you’ll have to learn the basics of Grasshopper…