String instead of point3d

Hi all, my goal is to compare the red and yellow geometry (tree branch shape) with the white design branch. I wanted to do this via GHpython, but that doesn’t seem to recognize the point coordinates in my panel. It says its a string, and that it requires it to be a point3D.

this is the error that I keep getting:

Runtime error (ArgumentTypeException): expected Point3d, got str


  • line 24, in compare_forks, “”*
  • line 37, in script*

is there a way I can let ghpython recognize these as actual points instead of strings.

the code I’m working with:

import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import math

# Function to calculate the angle between two vectors
def calculate_angle(vector1, vector2):
    return rg.Vector3d.VectorAngle(vector1, vector2)

# Function to normalize the angle to a match score (0 = worst match, 1 = perfect match)
def normalize_angle_to_match_score(angle):
    return 1 - (angle / math.pi)  # Normalizes angle to a score between 0 and 1

# Inputs from Grasshopper (connected directly to the script)
# Tree forks and design forks as lists of Point3d
# tree_forks_1, tree_forks_2, and design_forks are already connected in Grasshopper
# tree_forks_1 = [list of 3 points representing tree fork 1]
# tree_forks_2 = [list of 3 points representing tree fork 2]
# design_forks = [list of 3 points representing the design fork]

# Function to compare each tree fork to the design fork and get the matching scores
def compare_forks(tree_forks, design_forks):
    matching_scores = []

    for i in range(len(tree_forks)):
        tree_vector = rg.Vector3d(tree_forks[i])  # Vector from origin to tree fork endpoint
        design_vector = rg.Vector3d(design_forks[i])  # Vector from origin to design fork endpoint
        # Calculate the angle between the vectors
        angle = calculate_angle(tree_vector, design_vector)
        # Convert the angle to a match score (0 = worst match, 1 = perfect match)
        match_score = normalize_angle_to_match_score(angle)
    return matching_scores

# Compare the first tree fork (tree_forks_1) with the design fork
matching_scores_1 = compare_forks(tree_forks_1, design_forks)

# Compare the second tree fork (tree_forks_2) with the design fork
matching_scores_2 = compare_forks(tree_forks_2, design_forks)

# Average match score for each tree fork
avg_match_score_1 = sum(matching_scores_1) / len(matching_scores_1)
avg_match_score_2 = sum(matching_scores_2) / len(matching_scores_2)

# Output the match scores for each tree fork
a = avg_match_score_1  # Match score for tree_forks_1
b = avg_match_score_2  # Match score for tree_forks_2

if you connect to the Python inputs stuff that comes from a Text Panel, then it’s automagically recognized as text

if you connect the Point parameter directly to the Python component, it will be automagically recognised as Guid

if you right click on the Python inputs and set them to Type Hint → Point3D, you can connect both the above, and they will be recognised as Point3D

I think best practice is to Type Hint → Point3D and also connect the Point parameter instead of Text Panels

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THANK YOU, worked